Mega Meetup - it's happening!

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Save the date! Results from the survey are in, and we will be hosting our first Mega Meetup since 2019 on 9 November 2022. We’ve heard from the community and will be taking your feedback onboard to make this event inclusive for everyone.

If you are uncomfortable with attending a face-to-face event or don’t have the time to travel, don’t worry, you can still be involved. Our Mega Meetup will be live streamed and there will be an opportunity to get involved online through GovTEAMS. 

What did the community say?

A big thank you to everyone who participated in our Mega Meetup survey. It was great to see excitement from the community to come back to a face-to-face event.

Approximately 80% are ready for a face-to-face meetup in Canberra. 12% of attendees are interested but want to know what covid safe measures are being implemented. The remaining 8% preferred to continue with online events.

 Mega Meetup face-to-face survey results


The GovCMS face-to-face Mega Meetup is still in the planning phase but make sure to circle this date in your calendar. More information will be released shortly.